Opening up the treasure chest to check out all the loot and booty. I kept using the term "booty" during the entire party and the kids were getting such a kick out of it.
He wouldn't keep a doo-rag on for long, and his facial hair got really smeared early on during the party.

Here is the treasure chest cake I made. I crushed up graham crackers for sand, and used a lot of toy jewelry and coins for decoration. It was fun, and not too hard.

Ok, I finally figured out how to do photos. I know they are a little crazy, but I will get better at this...hopefully!
Here is the treasure chest cake I made. I crushed up graham crackers for sand, and used a lot of toy jewelry and coins for decoration. It was fun, and not too hard.
Lizzie's birthday was a blast! I took her to the party store and told her to choose a "theme"...I figured princess, Strawberry Shortcake, etc. She walked through the entire store and said, "I want a pirate party. Arrrgh Matey!!!" It was hilarious! So we had so much fun preparing for the pirate party, and all the neighborhood boys did too. They kept coming up with different ideas and games. They even started dressing up as pirates the week leading up to her party. There were pirates lurking through our streets for days.
We had her party on Saturday, Sept. 6 at Pinkerton Park. It is this really cool park where everything is made out of wood, and it is huge. The kids love it! The section we were at is called "Tinkerbell's Castle" which went perfect with our pirate theme, but Captian Hook never did show up. :o)
When everyone showed up, if they weren't already dressed as a pirate (all the boys were) I gave them all a black doo-rag, eye patch, ear-ring and facial hair. That was a big hit! Everyone loved having facial hair. I even had a couple of kids I did not know that were playing at the park and ask if they could have a beard and mustache! Everyone just had fun playing at the park for the first little while, and they all seemed to be playing "Pirate." We then had pizza, grapes and juice for lunch. Then we gathered them all around and I taught them all a bunch of Pirate Lingo and told them they all had to walk the plank while using their favorite pirate sayings. Before the party Jared and I had hidden a bunch of clues, so the kids went on a treasure hunt. They had so much fun. I then passed out their "loot and booty" and then we did the pinata. Jared tied it up to a zip line that was at the park so the pinata could move, and since most of the boys were 8-10 years old we made them wear a blindfold. It was pretty funny! After that they ate treasure chest cake and Lizzie opened her presents. I think everyone had a really fun time.
Honestly I was worried before we moved that we were not going to know enough people by the time Lizzie had her birthday party, but I feel so blessed that we have been able to make such great friends so quickly. She had 11 kids at her party, and they are all her and Hunter's close friends! I am really happy for them that they have made friends so fast and easy. All of the boys are 3rd and 4th graders that are in our neighborhood, and I don't even think they realize that Lizzie is a KINDERGARTEN GIRL! They just think she is cool and fun to play with. There are a bunch of great kids in our neighborhood and we feel really blessed.
After the party was over everyone went home, and then about 15 minutes later they all made their way over to our house to play some more. Lizzie was playing with her birthday presents...can you picture five boys trying to do Polly Pocket's hair and nials? It was quite a sight! It was about 6:45pm when I finally said that I think its time for the party to end. Lizzie said she loved her pirate party and had so much fun with all of her friends.
WOW!!! Sounds like an amazing birthday party, matey!!! So glad we were able to see pictures of the fun! We miss you SOOOOOOOO much, but we are happy that you are happy and have so many nice friends! Aaargh!!
You guys are so creative. I knew you would have no trouble meeting new people. I am so happy for you guys. Keep us posted.
okay kerri, i'm totally not a blogger and am a blogger tardo. looks like the birthday was a major hit, that is such a cute idea. hope all is well in nashville!! love you guys
YAY... i was so surprised to find photos. you all look GREAT! we miss and love you-
Hey Kerri
It's Cala Kynaston Clark, your kids are absolutely adorable!!! Sounds like you are having fun in Nashville, I heard Jared's music on his website, LOVE it!! Hopefully we can hear it soon on teh radio!! Good luck with everything!
Oh my gosh! Can you say mini Kerri?? You're family is so great! Good to hear from you guys! Kyle told me about the adventure! I wish you guys the best, if anybody could do it it would be Booch! Praying for you guys, keep positive, good luck, and keep in touch! I believe!
My tennessee cousins. You may find your way through the linked blogs to our little corner of the world, but if not:
We have some news.
I also agree with Josh about mini-Kerri. You even gave her your Kerri's haircut. All are so cute.
Jared, a couple of friends of mine are in Nashville pursuing the Music industry. She is an amazing vocalist, and he is a drummer, although his day job is a youth minister in Murfreesboro. Her name is Jaime Theiten. His is Jean-Pierre Espil. If anything, they might be a good resource to bounce stragegies off of. If you would like me to get you in touch with them, please let me know:
Kerri you look so gorgeous! I'm so glad I ran across your blog from Rachel's. Your daughter is a spitten image of you. You have a great lookin family. I see your Dad and Chris every month, my son has braces now. Hope all is well!
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